The skills necessary to embody Areté can be cultivated through practice. At the start of each week, Aretéans are given a specific challenge related to one of the Thirty Aims of Areté. We religiously dedicate ourselves to completing these challenges that we might gain greater Areté.
To support our members in developing these skills, the weekly challenges will often utilize one of the following modes of skill acquisition: rehearsal, exercise, coaching, academic study, or performance. Rehearsals allow us to practice behaviors and attitudes in controlled environments, preparing us for their application in real life. Exercises are targeted activities designed to strengthen a specific skill within an aim. Coaching provides guidance and feedback from experts, while academic study develops theoretical knowledge which underpins practical skills. Finally, we use performance to test the skills in real life scenarios in which higher stakes are on the line, this helps us to gauge our progress and identify areas that need improvement.
We engage in these challenges on a communal level. Typically, members will report their progress on the weekly challenge in our online community and Aretéans frequently offer one another the support and encouragement required to complete the challenge.
Recent Challenges
Add one item each week to your emergency preparedness supplies.
Create an aligned and purposeful to-do list daily.
Make a change, a variation in your daily routines.
This week, prioritize Mission Accomplishment above all other obstacles and distractions.
This week either participate in or organize something promoting equal rights.