• On Sunday, January 19th, you're invited to join us for a village convocation at the home of one our local members, House "Harmony Place" to discuss the Aim of Responsibility at 1pm!

    Come sing with us, enjoy refreshing snacks, and best of all, get to meet other people who are committed to being their best selves!

    898 Sawtelle Ave
    San Diego, CA 92114
    (look for the Aretéan flag and then come right in!)


    Our doors open at 12:30pm for some light food and socializing, and then our meeting starts promptly at 1pm.
    We also have a more casual follow-on "circle time" meeting after the main meeting. We'll discuss what Aretéanism is, and how it is practiced in more technical detail. It's a great way to learn more about our organization and mission! Feel free to stay, or to show up separately for this meeting at 2:15pm if you're interested!

  • On Sunday, January 26th, you're invited to join us for a village convocation at the home of one our local members, House "Harmony Place" to discuss the Aim of Generosity at 1pm!

    Come sing with us, enjoy refreshing snacks, and best of all, get to meet other people who are committed to being their best selves!

    898 Sawtelle Ave
    San Diego, CA 92114
    (look for the Aretéan flag and then come right in!)


    Our doors open at 12:30pm for some light food and socializing, and then our meeting starts promptly at 1pm.
    We also have a more casual follow-on "circle time" meeting after the main meeting. We'll discuss what Aretéanism is, and how it is practiced in more technical detail. It's a great way to learn more about our organization and mission! Feel free to stay, or to show up separately for this meeting at 2:15pm if you're interested!

  • On Sunday, February 2nd, you're invited to join us for a special Areté Day holiday convocation at the home of one our local members, House "Harmony Place" at 7pm!

    Cocktails will be served at 4:30pm and our potluck dinner will begin at 5pm.

    The Assemblage of Areté is turning 9 years old! Gifts to the AoA are encouraged, whether they are financial, self-made art, or tools the community would find useful! Our party is also traditionally a toga party, so get out your classical garb!

    Come join with us this holiday to enjoy amazing food, dance, laugh, sing, and best of all, get to meet other people who are committed to being their best selves!

    898 Sawtelle Ave
    San Diego, CA 92114
    (look for the Aretéan flag and then come right in!

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