Reducitarianism (reh-doo-si-tah-ree-an-izm) is the practice of reducing our consumption of products that cause harm. This practice is part of the Aretéan approach to living, reflecting our reverence for environmental stewardship and ecological stability.
On way in which we integrate reducitarianism into our daily lives by consciously choosing to decrease our meat consumption. The rationale is clear and supported by a broad scientific consensus: the high level of meat consumption prevalent in modern society poses serious risks to the environment, individual health, and ethical integrity.
Beyond dietary changes, reducitarianism also extends broadly to other practices. We aim to reduce mindless consumerism, and hazardous waste. We engage in thoughtful consideration of how everyday purchases may influence the planet’s health and our collective wellbeing. Aretéans embody their role as conscientious stewards of planet Earth, fostering a culture that values and works towards better ecological stability and environmental health. These practices help to preserve natural resources for future generations.
One way in which reducitarianism is practiced in our communities is through the adoption of "Meatless Mondays". Aretéans abstain from meat every Monday, which serves as a straightforward and impactful method to reduce overall meat intake. This practice not only helps to cut down on the environmental impact associated with large-scale meat production, but also encourages healthier and more ethical dietary habits among our membership.